Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The First Girl Scout Day

"Today is our first Girl Scout meeting. First of all I want you to know who will be there - me, Mommy, Meena, Madi, Caeley & Lexi. That makes 5 kids. Well, maybe Alexandra will be there too, but we haven't heard from her. Lexi won't be there, I think, because she's sick. We are making paper dolls. Were you a Girl Scout when you were a little kid? Type yes or no."

That's all.


Sarah said...

yes, only til brownie, i think

Shelley said...

I was a brownie, which was the first step toward being a girl scout. I had a little brown uniform and beanie cap...oh, and I had a matching sweater. It was fun! I hope you have a good time today.

Mom Mom

Amy Anderson said...

I was a brownie in elementary school.