Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week Two

The week has been good so far. I'm really liking the bus - it's so fun. There is another classmate that rides home with us. His name is Liam. He sits at my table too. I got the blue sparkly face again today. The entire yellow table did - we were all being really good. Prestley and Elyse got on the yellow face (think time for them). I told Justin he was cute today. I think he might be my new boyfriend, but I haven't really decided. I finally remembered Mrs. DeMarco's helper's name - Mrs. Carey. We colored an American Flag today in class and I drew a picture with me and Jaime playing with a ball. It's a great picture. The bus driver almost missed my stop on the way home yesterday. He was driving for Mrs. Sophia and didn't see Mommy sitting on the curb - it was funny! All my friends on the bus laughed. I've been reading every night about 30 minutes before going to sleep. I love to read. We found a cricket in our classroom yesterday. Liam and Prestley walked toward it and it jumped away. I have been making sand castles in the sandbox at school everyday this week. On Monday, I rode a black and red tricycle too. We still do some counting each day.

More to come later!

Monday, July 21, 2008


As you all know, today was my first day riding to school bus. I LOVE IT! It's so much fun. To make it even better... two of my classmates ride the bus too. I was so happy to see Justin & Vanessa this morning. They even ride the bus home with me. My bus driver this morning was nice - she waved at my mom, but my after school driver was really nice. Her name is Mrs. Sophia. I really liked her. The bus has a black floor, white ceiling & great big brown seats that can fit three kids my size.

Today at school we did some counting and writing with dry erase markers that we use socks to wipe off the board with. Another Prestley story... he got moved from our table to his own table. The rest of the yellow table kids got to move our name pins to the BLUE face again!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My First Week of School!!

Last week was my first in Kindergarten. I was so excited to start going to school. I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Monday was the first day. I got to see my teacher, Mrs. DeMarco, and all my new friends again. That made me happy. Mommy, Daddy & Ryan all came with me to school. They brought me to my class so I could put down my backpack then took me to the playground. When they saw that I was having a good time, they told me bye and left. I loved getting to play with all my new friends. Our playground is so awesome! When the bell rang, we lined up and followed our teachers back to class. Come to find out, this is what we do every single day.
Mrs. Demarco is awesome. She is so nice and is always very happy to see us. When we line up outside the class she tells us "good morning" and tells us what we will find on our tables to work on during "bell work". On my first day, she told us the rules of the class, showed us where our cubbies were and pointed out our table assignment. She also told us the rules of the potty. If we are in class and need to go we show Mrs. DeMarco crossed fingers - that's the sign for the bathroom. This way, we don't have to interrupt the class and she still knows I have to go. Since we share with the classroom next door, we have to put the stop sign up when we are in there and the go sign when we leave. I don't get why we have to do that because I lock the door when I'm in there. Teacher also told us about using only two paper towels when we are finished washing our hands. That way we aren't wasting.
I get to sit at the yellow table with Prestley, Liam, Cicilia & Alyse. On Wednesday, Cicilia got swapped out with Sage because Prestley kept talking to her during class and he got in trouble for it.
We got to go to the cafeteria for an assembly with the entire school on Monday. The principal talked to us about all kinds of stuff. He called me up to talk in front of everyone - he asked me my name, what grade I was in and who my teacher was. After I told him all that stuff, he asked me what was the best part about going to Ocotillo Ridge and I said "my teacher & my new friends". My friend Julianna told her mom, Debbie, that I looked to tiny, but very cute standing in front of everyone.
We have a teacher's helper too. I don't know her name, but she is really nice and has blonde hair. She washed the mud off my shoe one day.
I got to move my name pin to the blue-sparkly face on Tuesday. Prestley was talking to me during storytime, so I got up and move. Mrs. DeMarco thought that was good, so she rewarded me. You see, we have four faces that our name pin can be on. We start the day all on the green. If you are super good, you get to go to blue, yellow is not being good, red is really bad! I hope I never get on red.
I get to bring a snack everyday too - that's cool, because I like to eat. It has to be a healthy snack though, so no candy or junk for me.
On Friday I saw a tarantula on the playground near one of the classrooms. Some kid's dad caught it and put it in a jar for us all to see. It was way cool but kinda creepy. We got to be pirates on Friday too. We went around the entire school looking for treasures and gems. I had a lot of fun. We even got to see the principal's office and where the nurse is.
I think my first week was amazing! I love bringing my binder home to show what I've done in class. I love being with all my new friends. I love reading more and more everyday. I love it all!!!
Tomorrow = BUS! I get to ride the bus to and from school now. I've wanted to ride the bus for so long. I am a little nervous about it though, but that's OK. I think I will only be on it for about 10 minutes before getting to school and back home. Mommy will have to get me to the corner by 7:10 to get picked up and I will get dropped back off around 10:50. I'm so excited. If I had to guess, she will be taking lots of pictures, so I'll have her post a few for you to see.

I'll keep you updated on what's going on with me. PLEASE leave me comments... I get soooooo excited to see them and read them.

Thanks! Sydney

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Garden Update

My garden is doing so awesome! I now have a dozen armpits (corns), two cucumbers and lots of cantaloupe vines. We had to thin out the cucumber bushes - down to 2 now. We pulled up the four fuzzy flowers that were planted too. My strawberries are still doing good. Tomatoes, not so good. Daddy planted a watermelon seed for me and it's growing fast. Broccoli and lettuce are done, but then again, they never really did all that great.
Here are the latest pictures.

Monday, July 14, 2008

School ROCKS!

I have so much to tell you about, but I will write a really good entry on Friday after the entire week is finished. I will just say this - I LOVE SCHOOL! I love my teacher, I love my classroom, I love the playground, and I love all my new classmates. Thanks Aunt Phoebe for the backpack...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's getting close!

I went to my new school last night for Open House. I was able to meet my new teacher, Mrs. Demarco, see my classroom, and play on the "Pre-K/K only" playground. IT WAS AWESOME! There are so many way cool things in my classroom that I can't wait to use. We even have our own in-class computer. We get to share a potty with the class next door - hope everyone locks the door. I start school on Monday morning at 7:45 and get out at 10:40. I'll start riding the school bus in a few weeks after I've gotten used to going. My friends, Myranda & Olivia Widener, will also be on the same bus, so that's really cool. I'm really excited about going to school and learning more stuff. I'll write about Monday as soon as I get home!!! I'll post a few pictures too.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hip Hop

We did some hip hop lessons each day. I had so much fun at camp!!

GrandDad Lawrence

We got home from our mini vacation today and I had a package waiting in the mailbox. I just LOVE getting presents, especially the ones from When I opened it I had two new CD's to listen to. GrandDad Lawrence got me new KIDZ Bop CD's - he said it was to help me dance more. He really liked watching me dance on my YouTube video. I thought this was the best gift ever. We listened to them as soon as I opened them. Thank you so very much GrandDad for getting me these. They rock!