Saturday, November 1, 2008


My Loot... 156 PIECES of chocolate/sugar yumminess! Daddy took Ryan & me Trick-or-Treating last night. Ryan fells asleep so we brought him back home to mom, so it was just the two of us for the most part. We made two loops around my street - inner/outer side, then made it up to the street above us. My legs hurt really bad when we got home, but it was worth it. I made out like a bandit.


Shelley said...

You sure got lots of candy. Did you count it all by yourself or did you have help?. That was a lot of pieces to count. Glad you had a good time. Hope your legs are rested today, but like you said, "it was worth it".

Mom Mom

Sarah said...

Holy sugar, girl! I wish I could have a piece right now. You keep the Smarties though.

Amy Anderson said...

If you think maybe that's too much candy for one little girl, I'd be happy to help you eat some of it.