Monday, July 21, 2008


As you all know, today was my first day riding to school bus. I LOVE IT! It's so much fun. To make it even better... two of my classmates ride the bus too. I was so happy to see Justin & Vanessa this morning. They even ride the bus home with me. My bus driver this morning was nice - she waved at my mom, but my after school driver was really nice. Her name is Mrs. Sophia. I really liked her. The bus has a black floor, white ceiling & great big brown seats that can fit three kids my size.

Today at school we did some counting and writing with dry erase markers that we use socks to wipe off the board with. Another Prestley story... he got moved from our table to his own table. The rest of the yellow table kids got to move our name pins to the BLUE face again!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Your bus driver looks very nice. And you look so adorable. Sure is a big bus. Glad you are enjoying riding it.

Mom Mom